Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Critique of Professional Article - Education Essay

Critique of Professional Article - Education - Essay Example each students is different from the other. These differences should be studied and then they must be taught accordingly. If this is not taken into account it can create bias in the classroom. So it is imperative to interact with each student in the class to have a positive environment and all students should be given same care and respect then only the environment of a classroom can be respectful and in accordance with the principles. This interaction among teachers and students will not only facilitate the classrooms climate but this will also help in learning by sharing each other’s ideas and perceptions and will also help in development of student. 1.3 Environment of Learning and Excellence It is also important to identify that a classroom environment provides learning to the student and to do so it essential that teachers should communicate with the students the benefits of learning, making them understand what kind of work the educational institutions are expecting from t hem. So that students can become familiar of the learning procedures and will do all work in accordance to the set principles. It is necessary to communicate what teachers expects from the students because it helps them to know that educational institutions have high expectations from them in relation to institutions goals, activities, assessment procedures and related forms off classroom environment for the benefit of students learning. 1.4 Classroom procedures Procedures of classroom play a significant role in managing its environment. If procedures are not managed or followed accordingly then it can create hurdle in having a positive environment in class. Procedures or routine in class also affects learning of students. Therefore, teachers should create such routines in class which helps in organizing the learning of students and should follow these routines strictly and promptly. In order to facilitate efficiency and cooperation among students, they should be made to work in gro ups rather than on individual basis. Learning will be more beneficial if it is done in groups rather than on individual basis. In order to have effective classroom functions in relation to its procedures and routine time management is very important. Teachers should manage the class timings and all the activities accordingly in a way that it should be assistance in students learning. If there would be lack in time management, then things will not happen in accordance with the set procedures and routines and will affect the environment of class. Therefore all things should be managed in classroom according to the time and procedures as scheduled. 1.5 Students Behavior Classroom environment is positive only if students behave nicely in class. If the behavior of students is bad in class it may create disturbance in the daily activities. Teachers should use systematic techniques in order to manage student’s behavior in class. They should set behavior standards in the institutions and should communicate with the students their expectations in relations to student behavior i.e. making them clear about the difference in good and bad behavior. Students should be punished on misbehavior so that they are not inclined with same action again. Strict policies and regulation should be established and managed in classrooms in order to control student’s behavior. These policies should be revised on continuous

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Research Paper - 1

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual Property - Research Paper Example This particular industry is quite sensitive industry. The ethical issues in the marketing and advertising, intellectual property and regulation of product safety are discussed below. Marketing and advertisement is an effective communication tool that helps an organization to communicate with the end customers regarding the introduction of new product. First of all, several pharmaceutical companies implement competitive pricing strategy and promote their drugs and several products in economic price level compromising with the quality of the products. It can actually affect the health of human beings as several side effects of these drugs can create several problems in body. Secondly, the organizations used to provide emotional adverts and wrong information about the products. It is quite unethical to provide this wrong information. Thirdly, CompCare the subsidiary of the PharmaCare used to and market specific products although the compounded materials were not supposed to sold in bulk . Wrong information about client list, quality issues of drugs and price war between the organizations can be considered as the major ethical issues in marketing and advertising. ... In terms of the regulation of the products safety, the organization faces several critical issues. Providing drugs in low price level to the people of low income group without considering the quality aspect can be considered as one of the ethical issues. Inadequate quality of the pharmaceutical lab can be considered as one of the major issues in the product safety regulation. Inadequate composition in several drugs became issues for the PharmaCare. 2. Argue for or against Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing by drug companies Direct-to-Consumer has considered a one of the important marketing communication tools for several healthcare or pharmaceutical organizations. This DTC marketing process is quite useful and can help the society to overcome several challenges. It is true that advertising and promotion is important for each and every organization to create awareness about the products and services in the minds of the target customers (Doern & Prince, 2012). It is true that the pharm aceutical companies provide effective solutions to several critical diseases that can take away the priceless lives of human beings. After strong research and hard work, the pharmaceutical companies succeed to make a solution to these diseases. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the governments and several public bodies to increase awareness about these drugs that can ensure good health and safety of the mankind. DTC can be considered as an effective marketing communication tools. It is true that several organizations used to follow unethical steps in order to maximize business profits. But, it is true that the society and community cannot get benefits until and unless the people within the society cannot get aware about