Saturday, December 28, 2019

Marketing Strategies For Brand Designing - 1534 Words

1.1 Background and Rationale Brand designing is the one of the effective marketing strategies used by the companies to bring their products or services and consumers together (Clifton, 2009). It is not only the name or logo of the brand, but it implies the overall feeling or image that a consumer has while consuming the product of the brand. Brand designing is considered vital mostly when the companies try to market their products or services into a new market or an existing market (Keller, Parameswaran and Jacob, 2011). With a number of brands available at the market stores, it is necessary for the companies to differentiate their products from other competitors. Now-a-days, brand designing has become the most useful tool that the companies use for differentiating their products from other products of same category. According to Schmitt (2009), better perceptions about a brand results in more sales and good brand designing elevates the company’s total value which includes its products, people, positionin g, advertising and culture. The main purpose of this research study is to investigate how brand designing influence purchasing decisions of the consumers. There are successful global brands like Apple Inc., Samsung, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo etc. The research paper emphasizes how renowned brands like these have managed to maintain their leading position in the global market and earn huge revenues despite of stiff competition through high branding strategy. 1.2 ResearchShow MoreRelatedMarketing Project : Cactus Rose And Tequila Bar1242 Words   |  5 PagesRose and tequila bar which is located in Wilton is the marketing project assigned for our group of five. Part three in the textbook is called â€Å"Reaching Your Customer† which covers chapters 8-11. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Extent to which the Republican Party Liberalized - 1502 Words

A. Plan of Investigation The Progressive Era was a time characterized by a multitude of reactions to the inherent problems in American society and politics. The previous age of â€Å"gilded† politics had left the American political system fraught with corruption and inefficiency, and the rise of industrialization made clear the socioeconomic divide between the lower and upper classes. Progressivism became a loosely connected movement of legislation, ideas, and people striving to improve the welfare of the American people and to embark on a path of sustainable modernization. Much of this was spearheaded by the federal government through liberal legislation and active reformers, such as President Theodore Roosevelt. The goal of this investigation is to determine the extent to which Republican Party liberalized, as a response to the events of the Progressive Era. The causes of this liberalization, as well as the impact, will also be discussed. This investigation will be made poss ible by the use of original documents from the Progressive Era as primary sources, and biographies and critical analyses of the era as secondary sources. The scope will be limited to political events from 1877 to 1917; liberal legislation and actions taken by Republican politicians post Progressive-era will not be considered in this study. B. Summary of Evidence Dubbed â€Å"The Gilded Age†, the political atmosphere prior to the Progressive era was characterized by the complacency ofShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War On Terror1878 Words   |  8 PagesWhile this may be without shame, it is certainly not without peril. The glue that binds the conservative movement together is an external factor over which the conservatives themselves have no control. Conservatives have found a new adhesive in the current Global War on Terror (the â€Å"GWOT). 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Biomechanics for Human Upper Airways -

Question: Discuss about theBiomechanics for Human Upper Airways. Answer: Introduction The Human Upper Airways system is a multifunctional, complicated and ever changing neuromechanical system and its patency require a coordination which is time-to-time of the mechanical and neural behavior that is a factor of the posture(Doblare 2015, p. 456). The human upper airway is an everchanging structure which permits speech, swallowing and respiratory functions. It mechanical behavior and neural control is determined by the evolutionary compromise between these functions hence the system tends to respond rapidly and in a way that is controlled dynamically. There are variations that are experienced in the system during the respiratory cycle which ranges from being awake and asleep and between the stages of sleep. Apneas or hypopneas are a condition that may result from failure of continuous coordination and recruitment of the dilator muscles that are responsible for the counterbalancing of the forces acting to close the airway. An alteration of the passive mechanical behavior of the upper airway may result in its collapse. Such alterations or variations can be due to obesity or variations in the anatomy for example retrognathia. This behavior is a factor of the mechanical behavior of each of the tissues of the mechanical airway in isolation, their physiological interactions as well as their geometric arrangements. The respiratory cycle experiences the different movement of the soft tissue as illustrated by measurements of deformations related to respiration. It is not possible to predict the biomechanical behavior of the human upper airway just from the electromyography activities of its muscles(Fung 2014, p. 367). Mechanical Models of the Human Upper Airway System The pharynx is in most cases thought to be a floppy tube. Mechanical models of collapsible tubes including Starling resistor are used in relating intraluminal pressure, perypharyngeal pressure as well as airflow(Griffiths 2016, p. 287). These relations have provided a basis for the analysis of limitations of flow mechanism when takes place when the rising negative pressure in the epiglottis does not manage to control airflow and how collapse can be encouraged by additional peripharyngeal tissue. The patency of the upper airway has been perceived and understood to be dependent on a balance between activities of the muscles and the pressure of the airway as conceptualized by Isono and the colleagues. This group conceptualized that the airway was balancing on a pivot which represents the intrinsic behavior of the upper airway. Another conceptual model by the same group was involving a balance between intramandibular volume and the soft tissue that gave an explanation on how the posture of the head, jaw, and neck and obesity are able to lower the volume of the oral cavity and the pharynx(Kharmanda 2017, p. 697). The response of the upper airway tissue to a deformation or applied load defines its passive stiffness and is normalized by the area over which the load is applied. This is similar to the modulus of elasticity concept, commonly referred to as Young's modulus which is an expression of the force acting per unit area divided by strain i.e. change in length per unit area. The modulus of elasticity in the upper airways is a factor of the rate of loading, the quantity of load applied and the direction of application of the load. An increase in the load quantity increases the modulus of elasticity and is usually a nonlinear elasticity(Mow 2015, p. 209). This means that in case any of the upper airways tissues are slack or tend to be slack then small pressure variations culminate into enormous deformation of the walls of the airways. Under constant conditions of pressure and force, the tissues are likely to deform over time. On the other hand, application of a constant stretch decreases the tension over time making the tissues to relax even though there is usually a residual stress that is left in the tissue. Tissues tend to be stiffer when the rate of application of the load is higher. These characteristics define the viscoelasticity of the soft tissues of the upper airway. Important to note as well is that muscles are normally stiffer in the direction of the fascicles of the muscles as opposed to perpendicular to them(Bilston 2011, p. 759). This means loads applied in varied anatomical directions end up in different movements. The biochemical responses of the upper airway are influenced by the geometric or anatomical characteristics of the airway. This has been used in explaining the reason for increases OSA rates in males since they have longer pharynx as compared to their female counterparts. This is influenced by two factors. The airway surface area tends to be larger in a longer structure thereby air pressure is applied over a larger area and thus greater force is produced. Another reason is that a longer structure is found to be significantly more flexible than a shorter structure with similar cross section(Middleton 2009, p. 568). References Berme, N 2013, Biomechanics of Normal and Pathological Human Articulating Joints, 3rd edn, Springer Science Business Media, New York. Bilston, LE 2011, Neural Tissue Biomechanics, 10th edn, Springer Science Business Media, Manchester. Doblare, M 2015, Biomechanics, 4th edn, EOLSS Publications, Chicago. Fung, YC 2014, Biomechanics: Circulation, 2nd edn, Springer Science Business Media, Beijing. Griffiths, IW 2016, Principles of Biomechanics Motion Analysis, 5th edn, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, London. Kharmanda, G 2017, Biomechanics: Optimization, Uncertainties, and Reliability, 5th edn, John Wiley Sons, London. Knudson, D 2013, Fundamentals of Biomechanics, 6th edn, Springer Science Business Media, Chicago. Middleton, J 2009, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2, 5th edn, CRC Press, London. Mow, VC 2015, Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics Mechano-biology, 5th edn, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Manchester. Robertson, G 2013, Research Methods in Biomechanics, 2E, 2nd edn, Human Kinetics, New York.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Nutrition Application Internship Essay Example For Students

Nutrition Application Internship Essay Based on a variety of personal experiences, I became very interested in the role of foods and nutrition. During my last year of highschool, my favorite who had a successful business succumbed to a strange alliment. He was tired all the time and was diagnosed to live only 1 year. While he didnt have cancer, his bloodwork had many abnormalites the doctors couldnt diagnose. He began to seek out other doctors who ultimately recommended that his see a dietitian. This changed his life. He started to eat low fat foods thats packed in vitamins, quit smoking and drinking and started to exercise regular bases. One year later, he could get out of bed, live as an full energetic person as he had before. This made him inspired to study nutrition in America. I was overwhelmed after I knew his history and never looked at food the same way again. It is clear to me now that how people eat and what people eat is an important factor in acheving optimum health, that just exercise isnt enough. I am inspired to explore the field of dietetics which is very broad and dietitians perform a variety of functions in their jobs. As a dietitian, I can work in a wide variety of positions such as a foodservice manager in commercial or institutional, a community nutritionist, such as the WIC and Headstart, a consultant to major food corporations such as Kelloggs and Kraft or go into sales. I am very interested in working in a position where I can help people develop habits to improve their health. I may eventually go on to graduate school to advance my knowledge of dietetics. My cultural background will be a great contribution to the Washington State University Coordinated Dietetics Program. Being raised in a Malasia, having visited different countries, and now living in the United States, I have experienced the similarities and differences among many diverse cultural groups and nutritional diets. This broad exposure to different cultures allowed me to relate to different types of people by understanding their ways and beliefs, a quality that will help me work well with other students and people. For example, many Malasians will eat something that is unhealthy in nutritional standards and has no benefits to the body. However, they will continue to consume it because it is common in their culture. I would like to teach Malasian people to look at food from a cultural and nutritional angle to be more healthful. For example, as a result of my education I have decreased my consumption of beef and my meals now contain less fat, and I eat fewer eggs each day. Changing my Malasian diet improved my life and I believe I can help others to make a similar change. I will be able to fulfill my greatest goal in life of helping others through experiences I have seen and felt first hand, and in doing this I would consider myself to be a good dietitian. My long-range professional goals are to develop food safety programs, manage food services and/or develop food products. I see the need to bring food safety guidelines to Asian countries to avoid preventable diseases. I would like to introduce new menus to both Eastern and Western people to create a more balanced diet. For example, more raw vegetables for people in Asia for higher nutrient content and increasing the awareness of the high metal content in some seafood. In the American culture, I would create desserts catered to American taste using traditional Asian ingredients because they utilize more natural foods like beans, nuts, tofu, and fruit to make arrays of sweets that are lower in saturated fats and higher in nutritional value. For instance, teaching the public how to use tofu to get the desired texture in reduced fat cheesecake and brownies. In addition to the necessary education background for success in the profession, I also have excellent communication skills. My short-range professional goal is to teach and counsel in communities, especially children, elderly, and pregnant women about food nutrition and food safety. Teaching and working as a facilitator has helped me improve my communication skills. I am constantly meeting new people and .