Saturday, December 28, 2019

Marketing Strategies For Brand Designing - 1534 Words

1.1 Background and Rationale Brand designing is the one of the effective marketing strategies used by the companies to bring their products or services and consumers together (Clifton, 2009). It is not only the name or logo of the brand, but it implies the overall feeling or image that a consumer has while consuming the product of the brand. Brand designing is considered vital mostly when the companies try to market their products or services into a new market or an existing market (Keller, Parameswaran and Jacob, 2011). With a number of brands available at the market stores, it is necessary for the companies to differentiate their products from other competitors. Now-a-days, brand designing has become the most useful tool that the companies use for differentiating their products from other products of same category. According to Schmitt (2009), better perceptions about a brand results in more sales and good brand designing elevates the company’s total value which includes its products, people, positionin g, advertising and culture. The main purpose of this research study is to investigate how brand designing influence purchasing decisions of the consumers. There are successful global brands like Apple Inc., Samsung, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo etc. The research paper emphasizes how renowned brands like these have managed to maintain their leading position in the global market and earn huge revenues despite of stiff competition through high branding strategy. 1.2 ResearchShow MoreRelatedMarketing Project : Cactus Rose And Tequila Bar1242 Words   |  5 PagesRose and tequila bar which is located in Wilton is the marketing project assigned for our group of five. Part three in the textbook is called â€Å"Reaching Your Customer† which covers chapters 8-11. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Extent to which the Republican Party Liberalized - 1502 Words

A. Plan of Investigation The Progressive Era was a time characterized by a multitude of reactions to the inherent problems in American society and politics. The previous age of â€Å"gilded† politics had left the American political system fraught with corruption and inefficiency, and the rise of industrialization made clear the socioeconomic divide between the lower and upper classes. Progressivism became a loosely connected movement of legislation, ideas, and people striving to improve the welfare of the American people and to embark on a path of sustainable modernization. Much of this was spearheaded by the federal government through liberal legislation and active reformers, such as President Theodore Roosevelt. The goal of this investigation is to determine the extent to which Republican Party liberalized, as a response to the events of the Progressive Era. The causes of this liberalization, as well as the impact, will also be discussed. This investigation will be made poss ible by the use of original documents from the Progressive Era as primary sources, and biographies and critical analyses of the era as secondary sources. The scope will be limited to political events from 1877 to 1917; liberal legislation and actions taken by Republican politicians post Progressive-era will not be considered in this study. B. Summary of Evidence Dubbed â€Å"The Gilded Age†, the political atmosphere prior to the Progressive era was characterized by the complacency ofShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War On Terror1878 Words   |  8 PagesWhile this may be without shame, it is certainly not without peril. The glue that binds the conservative movement together is an external factor over which the conservatives themselves have no control. Conservatives have found a new adhesive in the current Global War on Terror (the â€Å"GWOT). 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Biomechanics for Human Upper Airways -

Question: Discuss about theBiomechanics for Human Upper Airways. Answer: Introduction The Human Upper Airways system is a multifunctional, complicated and ever changing neuromechanical system and its patency require a coordination which is time-to-time of the mechanical and neural behavior that is a factor of the posture(Doblare 2015, p. 456). The human upper airway is an everchanging structure which permits speech, swallowing and respiratory functions. It mechanical behavior and neural control is determined by the evolutionary compromise between these functions hence the system tends to respond rapidly and in a way that is controlled dynamically. There are variations that are experienced in the system during the respiratory cycle which ranges from being awake and asleep and between the stages of sleep. Apneas or hypopneas are a condition that may result from failure of continuous coordination and recruitment of the dilator muscles that are responsible for the counterbalancing of the forces acting to close the airway. An alteration of the passive mechanical behavior of the upper airway may result in its collapse. Such alterations or variations can be due to obesity or variations in the anatomy for example retrognathia. This behavior is a factor of the mechanical behavior of each of the tissues of the mechanical airway in isolation, their physiological interactions as well as their geometric arrangements. The respiratory cycle experiences the different movement of the soft tissue as illustrated by measurements of deformations related to respiration. It is not possible to predict the biomechanical behavior of the human upper airway just from the electromyography activities of its muscles(Fung 2014, p. 367). Mechanical Models of the Human Upper Airway System The pharynx is in most cases thought to be a floppy tube. Mechanical models of collapsible tubes including Starling resistor are used in relating intraluminal pressure, perypharyngeal pressure as well as airflow(Griffiths 2016, p. 287). These relations have provided a basis for the analysis of limitations of flow mechanism when takes place when the rising negative pressure in the epiglottis does not manage to control airflow and how collapse can be encouraged by additional peripharyngeal tissue. The patency of the upper airway has been perceived and understood to be dependent on a balance between activities of the muscles and the pressure of the airway as conceptualized by Isono and the colleagues. This group conceptualized that the airway was balancing on a pivot which represents the intrinsic behavior of the upper airway. Another conceptual model by the same group was involving a balance between intramandibular volume and the soft tissue that gave an explanation on how the posture of the head, jaw, and neck and obesity are able to lower the volume of the oral cavity and the pharynx(Kharmanda 2017, p. 697). The response of the upper airway tissue to a deformation or applied load defines its passive stiffness and is normalized by the area over which the load is applied. This is similar to the modulus of elasticity concept, commonly referred to as Young's modulus which is an expression of the force acting per unit area divided by strain i.e. change in length per unit area. The modulus of elasticity in the upper airways is a factor of the rate of loading, the quantity of load applied and the direction of application of the load. An increase in the load quantity increases the modulus of elasticity and is usually a nonlinear elasticity(Mow 2015, p. 209). This means that in case any of the upper airways tissues are slack or tend to be slack then small pressure variations culminate into enormous deformation of the walls of the airways. Under constant conditions of pressure and force, the tissues are likely to deform over time. On the other hand, application of a constant stretch decreases the tension over time making the tissues to relax even though there is usually a residual stress that is left in the tissue. Tissues tend to be stiffer when the rate of application of the load is higher. These characteristics define the viscoelasticity of the soft tissues of the upper airway. Important to note as well is that muscles are normally stiffer in the direction of the fascicles of the muscles as opposed to perpendicular to them(Bilston 2011, p. 759). This means loads applied in varied anatomical directions end up in different movements. The biochemical responses of the upper airway are influenced by the geometric or anatomical characteristics of the airway. This has been used in explaining the reason for increases OSA rates in males since they have longer pharynx as compared to their female counterparts. This is influenced by two factors. The airway surface area tends to be larger in a longer structure thereby air pressure is applied over a larger area and thus greater force is produced. Another reason is that a longer structure is found to be significantly more flexible than a shorter structure with similar cross section(Middleton 2009, p. 568). References Berme, N 2013, Biomechanics of Normal and Pathological Human Articulating Joints, 3rd edn, Springer Science Business Media, New York. Bilston, LE 2011, Neural Tissue Biomechanics, 10th edn, Springer Science Business Media, Manchester. Doblare, M 2015, Biomechanics, 4th edn, EOLSS Publications, Chicago. Fung, YC 2014, Biomechanics: Circulation, 2nd edn, Springer Science Business Media, Beijing. Griffiths, IW 2016, Principles of Biomechanics Motion Analysis, 5th edn, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, London. Kharmanda, G 2017, Biomechanics: Optimization, Uncertainties, and Reliability, 5th edn, John Wiley Sons, London. Knudson, D 2013, Fundamentals of Biomechanics, 6th edn, Springer Science Business Media, Chicago. Middleton, J 2009, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2, 5th edn, CRC Press, London. Mow, VC 2015, Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics Mechano-biology, 5th edn, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Manchester. Robertson, G 2013, Research Methods in Biomechanics, 2E, 2nd edn, Human Kinetics, New York.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Nutrition Application Internship Essay Example For Students

Nutrition Application Internship Essay Based on a variety of personal experiences, I became very interested in the role of foods and nutrition. During my last year of highschool, my favorite who had a successful business succumbed to a strange alliment. He was tired all the time and was diagnosed to live only 1 year. While he didnt have cancer, his bloodwork had many abnormalites the doctors couldnt diagnose. He began to seek out other doctors who ultimately recommended that his see a dietitian. This changed his life. He started to eat low fat foods thats packed in vitamins, quit smoking and drinking and started to exercise regular bases. One year later, he could get out of bed, live as an full energetic person as he had before. This made him inspired to study nutrition in America. I was overwhelmed after I knew his history and never looked at food the same way again. It is clear to me now that how people eat and what people eat is an important factor in acheving optimum health, that just exercise isnt enough. I am inspired to explore the field of dietetics which is very broad and dietitians perform a variety of functions in their jobs. As a dietitian, I can work in a wide variety of positions such as a foodservice manager in commercial or institutional, a community nutritionist, such as the WIC and Headstart, a consultant to major food corporations such as Kelloggs and Kraft or go into sales. I am very interested in working in a position where I can help people develop habits to improve their health. I may eventually go on to graduate school to advance my knowledge of dietetics. My cultural background will be a great contribution to the Washington State University Coordinated Dietetics Program. Being raised in a Malasia, having visited different countries, and now living in the United States, I have experienced the similarities and differences among many diverse cultural groups and nutritional diets. This broad exposure to different cultures allowed me to relate to different types of people by understanding their ways and beliefs, a quality that will help me work well with other students and people. For example, many Malasians will eat something that is unhealthy in nutritional standards and has no benefits to the body. However, they will continue to consume it because it is common in their culture. I would like to teach Malasian people to look at food from a cultural and nutritional angle to be more healthful. For example, as a result of my education I have decreased my consumption of beef and my meals now contain less fat, and I eat fewer eggs each day. Changing my Malasian diet improved my life and I believe I can help others to make a similar change. I will be able to fulfill my greatest goal in life of helping others through experiences I have seen and felt first hand, and in doing this I would consider myself to be a good dietitian. My long-range professional goals are to develop food safety programs, manage food services and/or develop food products. I see the need to bring food safety guidelines to Asian countries to avoid preventable diseases. I would like to introduce new menus to both Eastern and Western people to create a more balanced diet. For example, more raw vegetables for people in Asia for higher nutrient content and increasing the awareness of the high metal content in some seafood. In the American culture, I would create desserts catered to American taste using traditional Asian ingredients because they utilize more natural foods like beans, nuts, tofu, and fruit to make arrays of sweets that are lower in saturated fats and higher in nutritional value. For instance, teaching the public how to use tofu to get the desired texture in reduced fat cheesecake and brownies. In addition to the necessary education background for success in the profession, I also have excellent communication skills. My short-range professional goal is to teach and counsel in communities, especially children, elderly, and pregnant women about food nutrition and food safety. Teaching and working as a facilitator has helped me improve my communication skills. I am constantly meeting new people and .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The critical factor responsible for jollibee success in the philippines Essay Example For Students

The critical factor responsible for jollibee success in the philippines Essay Critical Success Factor- analyzing the country in the operation to accomplish the ends of the company Rivals – the company or organisation in the same industry that offer the same merchandises and services. Leadership – a function in the organisation which provide information, and organizing each of the employee to accomplish the vision of the company. We will write a custom essay on The critical factor responsible for jollibee success in the philippines specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Low Cost – offering low monetary values with the merchandises and services to derive net income. Mission – it is something to be accomplish and it is the cardinal focal point of the company. Reliability – an instrument usage to mensurate to depict a trial. Shared Valuess – it is a beliefs that guide employees and direction with their determination in the company. Skills – it is the ability and competency of staff or employee in the organisation. Staff – employee or forces which plays an of import function in the operation. Supplier – the 1 who supply and distribute natural stuffs in the company. System – a method or a process to execute one ‘s responsibility. SWOT Analysis – an analysis of internal and external factors in the company such as strength, failing, chances and menaces. Validity – refers to whether the trial or survey answer the theory of the trial mark. Outline1 Executive Summary2 Introduction3 MAIN BODY4 A. BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM/ISSUE:5 B. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES:6 Hypothesis:7 Aim:8 Significance of The Study9 LITERATURE REVIEW:10 The Theories and Concepts in the Research.11 Menaces of New12 Entrants13 Competition14 Supplier15 Power16 Buyer Power17 Menace of Substitute18 Merchandise19 POSITIVE NEGATIVE20 Strength21 Low Cost Operation22 Local Taste23 First Comer ‘s Advantage24 Failing25 It is franchised store so the service bringing vary from shop to hive away26 Opportunity27 Develop high engineering to do certain of good quality merchandises.28 Menace29 Menace of new entry- little poulet store30 High Rivalry with Mcdonalds31 Economic crisis- client has less money to pass for their repast32 POLITICAL33 ECONOMIC34 SOCIAL35 Technology36 Methodology:37 RESEARCH DESIGN38 SAMPLE DESIGN39 DATA Gathering40 DATA ANALYSIS41 ______________________42 A?43 xA? ____________44 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY45 E. REFLECTIONS:46 F. T IME SCALE AND RESOURCES:47 Decision:48 Mentions Executive Summary The research proposal is about the Jollibee Food Corporation based in the Philippines. They spread outing and developing and has outlets locally and abroad. The chief rivals are Mcdonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Burger King. The research worker will research and analyze about the critical success factors responsible for the company ‘s success. The research worker proposed to analyze if the low cost operating system set up by the company is the critical success factors or non and what act upon them. The survey include different construct and theories that will be usage to analyze the concern competitory schemes like SWOT Analysis, 7-S Model by Mckinsey, Porter ‘s five forces and PEST Analysis that are utile tools that will back up the research survey. The research worker besides draw the research design, trying techniques, informations analysis and measurement and roll uping informations. The research worker discourse some ethical deductions at the terminal of the stu dy and decently appraised the beginning of stuffs through Harvard referencing. At the terminal of the study, the clip graduated table are discussed that outlines the viability of the research. Introduction Fast nutrient concatenation in the Philippines refers to the nutrients that are being prepared and served rapidly to the clients. It is besides known as a Quick Service Restaurant. There are legion concatenation of fast nutrient in the Philippines. The Jollibee Food Corporation which sells Hamburger, Fries, Spaghetti, Chicken, and Jolly Hotdog with local gustatory sensation. The biggest rivals are McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King, and Pizza Hut. Jollibee Food Corporation is the figure one fast nutrient concatenation in the Philippines and it besides enters the planetary market. They have mercantile establishments in United States of America, Guam, Kuwait, Brunei, Taiwan, Indonesia, Hongkong, China, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and United Arabs Emirates. The company started in the Philippines as an Ice pick parlour and subsequently on develop and expanded as one of the biggest fast nutrient concatenation in the Philippines viing Mcdonalds. They have the same bill of fare as Mcdonalds but Jollibee Food Corporation function their merchandises with local gustatory sensation unlike Mcdonalds which brought American gustatory sensation in the Filipino market. Jollibee Food Corporation introduced merriment atmosphere, friendliness and client focal point and the joy and spirit of household while eating in their eating houses. Jollibee developed through franchising. It is active in Television commercials, it improve acknowledgment through mascots and logo. It is rather popular in the Philippines because it supports good household ties and household values which is the most adhering qualities of Filipino households. Jollibee besides supported different charities in the Philippines and assist assorted civil and non civil organisations. As of 2009, Jollibee operated 686 shops in the Philippines, 355 are franchised and 331 are company owned shops and 57 shops in international market. MAIN BODY A. BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM/ISSUE: The research is about the success factor of Jollibee Food Corporation, a local trade name in the Philippines comparison to American based fast nutrient concatenation Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken ( KFC ) . This research analyse the success factors of Jollibee Food Corporation in the Philippines one of which is the low cost operation system of the company comparison to their cardinal rivals. The research worker will roll up some informations about the competitory schemes of Jollibee Food Corporation and how they manage to acquire in to the top against elephantine fast nutrient concatenation companies. The research worker will analyze if the low cost operation system of Jollibee Food Corporation is the critical factor which is responsible for the success of the company. It is of import and relevant to analyze the competitory scheme of the local company in the local market against the American based company that are established globally. The monetary value competition normally makes the difference with the fast nutrient concatenation that offers great quality nutrient and service but different in monetary value. Analyzing the critical success factor is really of import for the organisation in order to cognize which countries they need to concentrate clearly to achieve their concern positions and ends. Without analyzing the countries of which they need to concentrate to derive success the organisation will probably neglect to run into their ends and aims. The critical success factor drives the company ‘s scheme to win over their rivals. It drives the organisation to entree their public presentation and to achieve their vision and mission. It is really interesting to analyze the Jollibee Food Corporation ‘s CSF because they are figure one in the Philippines, and really successful in the market. In order for the organisation to last in the concern universe, it is indispensable to find their potencies and develop scheme to vie with their rivals. B. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES: What are the factor ‘s responsible for Jollibee Food Corporation ‘s success in the Philippines against Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King? It is of import to analyze the factor ‘s responsible for the great success of Jollibee in the Philippines. To cognize what are they competitory advantage against their rivals chiefly Mcdonalds which is known globally and already established their company around the Earth. 2. Is the low cost operating system, responsible for the success of Jollibee Food Corporation? It is of import to research and analyze if the low cost operating system of Jollibee is the 1 responsible for their success or are at that place any other factors that are responsible for it. The research worker needs to set up the relationship of low cost operation to organisation ‘s public presentation in the market. 3. What is the franchising construct of Jollibee Food Corporation? It has something to make with their success factors? The research worker needs to cognize the background of the company, and its relationship with the franchisees and any support to the operation of the company. To measure the construct of franchising if it has something to make with their success in the market and abroad. 4. Who are the clients and the rivals of Jollibee Food Corporation? In concern operation, it is critical to cognize who are the rivals in the market. To develop the right scheme and to cognize their clients and the mark group in the market. 5. How is the fast nutrient concatenation market in the Philippines? To analyze the state of affairs of the fast nutrient concatenation in the market in the Philippines. If there is any impact with the local and American based fast nutrient concatenation. Hypothesis: The low cost operation system of Jollibee Food Corporation is non responsible for the success of the company but there are many other factors contribute to their success. Aim: Analyze the factors that are responsible for the success of Jollibee in the Philippines. What are the competitory scheme of Jollibee Food Corporation that other fast nutrient concatenation company does n’t hold? .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 , .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .postImageUrl , .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 , .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7:hover , .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7:visited , .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7:active { border:0!important; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7:active , .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7 .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub9bcecb41b522af652fde2807dafe7b7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Misc EssayStudy the mark group or the consumers of the company based in the Philippines. Study what is the market state of affairs in the Philippines. To find what the clients value in Jollibee Food Corporation Significance of The Study Better the literature sing the fast nutrient concatenation in the Philippines and it ‘s critical success factor. Fulfil MBA demands. Inform the concern sector sing the success factor of Jollibee Food corporation in the Philippines against elephantine American based nutrient concatenation. LITERATURE REVIEW: The Theories and Concepts in the Research. 1. The critical success factor analysis is a method of analyzing the country that needs betterment. It is required to guarantee the success of the organisation to accomplish it ‘s mission. It is a cardinal country where satisfactory public presentation is required for the organisation to accomplish it ‘s ends. It is a agency of placing the undertakings and demands needed for success. The critical succes factor method start with a mission vission statement. Develop ends and their success factors. ( Austin, 2002 ) 2. Porter ‘s five forces- Michael Porter proposed that the organisation is being influenced by five forces. These are competition, supplier power, power of the purchaser, menace of entry, and the menace of replacements. ( Hollensen 2003, 74-79 ) . Understanding the five forces will supply the organisation to develop scheme in order to take advantage to their rival. A ( Thurlby, 1998 ) . It is of import to cognize your rivals in the concern industry. To cognize what merchandise and services they are offering to their clients and what competitory scheme they are making in order to be successful in the concern. It is besides of import to cognize your provider. The company needs some resources and stuffs in order to bring forth goods and merchandises for their consumers. There should be a good relationship between the purchaser and the provider. The purchaser should be given importance because the concern depends on how many purchasers the company have. They are the plus of the company and they give net income to the organisation. They are the 1 who set the monetary value of your merchandise. New rivals enter and exit the market. Some stay some will travel. Some will be successful and some are non. It is of import to cognize what ‘s traveling on to the market. If they are new rivals that are come ining, it will impact your company ‘s net income. The menace of replacements, this is of import to cognize what other companies are offering the consumers and happen any alternate to your merchandise and services to do it successful. Menaces of New Entrants Small poulet store Are turning Competition Jollibee Vs McDonalds KFC BURGER KING Supplier Power Strength of Network Distribution Buyer Power Merchandise cost Against other Alternate Menace of Substitute Merchandise Chicken store are More likely low-cost Fig. 1 Porter ‘s 5 Forces Model of JFC SWOT ANALYSIS it is a techniques of analyzing the company ‘s strength, failings, chances and menaces. The purpose of this is to place the internal and external factor that influences the company ‘s aim. The internal factors are the strength and failings, and on the other manus the external factors are the chances and menaces. ( Marketing Teacher ) POSITIVE NEGATIVE Strength Low Cost Operation Local Taste First Comer ‘s Advantage Failing It is franchised store so the service bringing vary from shop to hive away Opportunity Develop high engineering to do certain of good quality merchandises. Menace Menace of new entry- little poulet store High Rivalry with Mcdonalds Economic crisis- client has less money to pass for their repast Fig. 2 SWOT ANALYSIS MODEL JFC Jollibee Food Corporation ‘s Strength are the low cost operation system. They are selling their merchandises in lower monetary value comparison to Mcdonalds and with local gustatory sensation. They acquire the advantage of being the first comer, in the market. They enter the market in the Philippines foremost in 1975, in otherhand Mcdonalds enter the market in 1981. The chances of Jollibee Food Corporation, should develop high engineering in the operation system to better merchandises and services they offer to their clients. Make more inventions so that it will derive advantage against it ‘s rivals specially Mcdonalds that is American based company and besides known worldwide. The failing of Jollibee is that it is a franchised shop, so the service will change from shop to hive away. The quality of service depends on the employee of the shop and the franchisee. The menace of Jollibee is the high competition against Mcdonalds, and the menace of new entrants, there are figure of little poulet store that are opening in the Philippines that are cheaper than Jollibee and Mcdonalds. Due to economic crisis in the Philippines, people have less money to pass on their repasts. 7-S Framework of Mckinsey- a method of efficaciously forming the company through seven factors. Shared values- it is the nucleus of the company ‘s ends and what they believe in. Strategy- it is their method on how to make their ends. Structure- it is the manner how each division in the company interact with one another. System- process and procedure that needs to be done Staff- the employee, or the forces in the company Skill- the qualities and competences of each employee in the organisation. Style- how each leader of one organisation interact with their subsidiary to set up leading. ( Value Based Management ) Scheme Jollibee Food Corporation ‘s scheme are supplying cheaper merchandises compare to Mcdonald ‘s. The company besides provide merchandises with local gustatory sensation. The company besides has confederations and acquired different fast nutrient companies in the Philippines which are, Greenwich ( Pizza- pasta ) , Red Ribbon ( Cakes ) , DeliFrance ( Sandwiches and drinks ) , and Chowking ( Chinese Food ) . ( Jollibee The Official Website ) Structure The JFC is a franchise company, with 686 mercantile establishments in the Philippines and 57 shops in international market. The company are divide into different divisions. From the President of the company, Director, Corporate scheme division, Engineering, Human Resources, Information Management, Procurement, Real Estate, Audit and Commissioner. ( Jollibee The Official Website ) SHARED VALUES JFC value every Filipino household. It focus chiefly in their clients and supplying merriment atmosphere for every group and household who are eating in their eating houses. They respect every person who choose to eat in their eating houses. Staff Jollibee provide developing to their employees and appraisal whenever they improve their public presentation in the company. The company provide inducements and fillips to their staff. System The franchise fee for Jollibee P 15- 30 Million ( local currency ) $ 266,455- $ 532, 890 ( US Dollar ) ( Get down up Biz Hub ) 5. PEST- ANALYSIS- ( STEEPLE ) this is a method of analyzing the political, economic, societal and technological facet of one organisation in order to make a seeable scheme. ( Value Based Management ) Political factors- create a large impact in the concern operation. It includes policies regulating revenue enhancement, legal issues, and employment ordinances. Economic factors- it has a immense consequence in concern operation if the clients afford to purchase your merchandise and the cost of concern production, rising prices rate and exchange rate. Social factors- it has enormous impact in the operation, through the life style that clients create in the society. It includes household, instruction and faith, age and calling. Technology- it has something to make with the new invention that has high impact in the concern. POLITICAL Political issues affect the economic system in the Philippines, political confederations and employment ordinance have a great impact in the operation of fast nutrient concatenation ECONOMIC Due to economic crisis in the Philippines, some household can non afford to purchase their repast in Jollibee. There is a job with the rising prices rate in the state SOCIAL Jollibee has partnership with Department of Social Welfare assisting kids in the Philippines. The company provide fiscal aid with different charities in the Philippines Technology JFC has a web of distribution installations to provide to their shops nationwide. Fig. 3 PEST ANALYSIS of Jollibee Food Corporation Methodology: RESEARCH DESIGN The research worker will do usage of explorative research design to garner information and cognition about the company ‘s background, history and other utile information for the research. I will do usage of the cyberspace, and other published stuffs such as published articles, newspaper, and diaries to garner farther information. The research worker will besides utilize of primary research design like study questionnaire to garner quantitative informations. The study will be divided into two parts. The first parts will be the inquiries sing the aim of the research and the last portion will be an unfastened ended inquiries sing the demographics such as age, sex, location, calling and income. The research worker will besides do usage of qualitative research method in order to set up the relationship of one variable to another and correlates with the theories. SAMPLE DESIGN The research worker will do usage of non-probability sampling, in other words the respondents are non indiscriminately selected. The sample will be about 150-200 respondents. The topic or respondents are those who are willing to take portion in the research or to reply the study inquiries. The focal point of the research will be the client ‘s of Jollibee Food Corporation in the Philippines. The research worker will utilize the cyberspace to garner information through uploading study questionnaires in Facebook, My infinite and Friendster web sites. .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 , .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .postImageUrl , .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 , .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9:hover , .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9:visited , .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9:active { border:0!important; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9:active , .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9 .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8ba468d4b4ab6838baca9a0cdb1375b9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 12 Angry Men EssayDATA Gathering Data aggregation will be through online. Due to the location of the research worker and the location of the market in the Philippines online studies will be utile and will bring forth faster response. The respondents will be ask to make full out the study questionnaires. The questionnaires will hold five responses. ( Strongly differ, differ, impersonal, agree and strongly hold. ) The first portion of the study will concentrate chiefly on the aims of the research. The last portion will be an unfastened ended inquiries and the respondents personal informations like age, income, position, calling and their location and race. Survey will be use as it is more inexpensive and flexible to utilize for the research. Through on-line study the research worker can make the Filipino respondents who value the Jollibee Food Corporation. The research worker will utilize flow charts and diagrams to show informations. DATA ANALYSIS In order to mensurate the responses with the study, the responses for the study will be codification like ( 1 ) for strongly disagree, ( 2 ) for disagree, ( 3 ) for impersonal or neither agree or disagree, ( 4 ) for agree and ( 5 ) for strongly agree. After that the likert informations will be analyse through descriptive statistics. It is an ordinal graduated table which measure the degree of agree and disagree and it has five responses. Therefore we will utilize the non parametric trial.The research worker will so sum up the responses and show it to charts and graphs. Through responses with the study, the research worker will utilize the codification for each responses to mensurate the manner or in other words the most frequent responses by the samples and the median every bit good to mensurate the cardinal inclination. After that, illative statistics will be usage to prove the hypothesis. Kruskal Wallis Test will be use, it is one manner analysis of discrepancy by William Kruskal and W. Allen Wallis. ( Wikipedia ) .Kruskal Wallis trial plants by replacing the information set. It will so cipher the amount and the H is calculated every bit good. H is already given in the expression stand foring the discrepancy in a group. The opportunity of acquiring the chance of a true void hypothesis, when H is equally distributed in qi square step of frequence, the grade of freedom minus one is calculated. ( Handbook of Biological Statistics, 2009 ) The expression for Kruskal Wallis trial: H = 12 ( Tg ) 2 ________ ( I? __________ ) __ 3 ( N + 1 ) N ( N+1 ) nanogram After utilizing Kruskal Wallis Test, the research worker needs to mensurate the degree of agree and disagree responses through chai square trial. The qi square trial expression: ef = row entire x column sum ______________________ over all entire Where ef = expected frequence A? xA? ____________ Tocopherol RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY The study questionnaire will be test by sample respondents to prove the cogency of the study. The inquiries will be scrutinize and enhance to clear up certain countries of concern. Through trial tally of the study questionnaire, the research worker can observe any mistakes that will impact the cogency and dependability of the study questionnaire. The questionnaire will be enhanced and edited consequently based on their remarks and suggestions of those who will take part in the trial tally. Reliability defines every bit, if the consequence is remains consistent, and if the consequence acquired with the consequence can be replicated under the same methods, it is hence dependable. ( Joppe, 2000 ) . Test re trial can be usage and the same consequences can be obtain, it is hence dependable. On other manus, cogency define as if the research survey truly mensurate what it wants to mensurate it is hence valid. ( Joppe, 2000 ) . The research survey is said to be valid if the measuring with the informations gathered are right and accurate. E. REFLECTIONS: In maintaining the unity of the research, the research worker follow the regulations and guidelines to detect ethical ordinances. All resources used for the research such as books, diaries, articles and other published stuffs are decently recognized and referenced. The research worker use the Harvard citing usher to avoid issues of plagiarism. The information that will garner in the study questionnaire such as personal information of the respondents will non be unwrap and will maintain it confidential. The personal inside informations of the respondents will be kept anon. and confidential. The research worker will avoid to be biased with the study consequences or responses. The responses will be collected and sum up consequently and avoiding incorrect readings or describing incorrect decision on findings. The research worker develop a study questionnaire that will be uploaded online in Facebook, Myspace and Friendster and all information that will garner with the study will be carefully assess and sum up the information that will be collected and trial and step the cogency and dependability. The research worker has a limited cognition about statistics, with the aid of SPSS package downloaded from the cyberspace, it will assist me mensurate exactly the cogency and dependability of the responses from the study and utilize different statistical method to mensurate mean, average and manner and the standard divergence. The method of assemblage and roll uping information is besides limited because the location of the research will be in the Philippines. Merely on-line study will be usage to acquire 150-200 respondents who are willing to reply the study inquiries online. Most of the respondents will be Filipino or those who live in the Philippines who value Jollibee Food Corporation other than its rivals like Mcdonalds. F. TIME SCALE AND RESOURCES: The research worker will continuously gather more information about the Jollibee Food Corporation, the company profile, background, issues and do extended research about the jobs through farther reading of published articles and diaries and books related to the subject. The first and 2nd hebdomad of March will pass on working out with garnering farther information and cognition about the research subject. Upon waiting for the consequence of the classs for Research proposal, I will pass the staying hebdomads to travel to British Library to entree the related stuffs for my research subject. The study will be administered and uploaded online on March 25, 2011 after the consequence of classs will let go of for the research method assignment to acquire some thoughts and if they are corrections with the proposals written. If the study questionnaire sample will necessitate to be enhanced or edited before uploading it to the cyberspace. Prior to that a trial tally will be conducted for the study questionnaire to prove if it is effectual and will be understood by the respondents. After uploading the study to the cyberspace, the research worker will work on the reappraisal of the literature until the terminal of March 2011. The concluding aggregation of study online will be on the 1st hebdomad of April. It will so be analyse and sum up on the same hebdomad and step the cogency and dependability utilizing statistical methodological analysis. The research should be completed before the 2nd hebdomad of April for the deadline of entry of the concluding thesis to finish my MBA grade. Assignment was given ( Research Proposal ) January 25, 2011 Deadline for Submission of Research Proposal February 25, 2011 Visit British Library to Gather Related Information about the Topic. March 5-12, 2011 Release of Grades for Research Methods Assignment March 25, 2011 Survey Questionnaire will be Uploaded Online March 30, 2011 Final Collection of Survey April 5, 2011 Complete Analysis of Data Collected April 8, 2011 Complete Final Report April 15, 2011 Deadline for Submission of Dissertation To be Posted Fig. 4 Time Scale of the Research Decision: The fast nutrient concatenation market in the Philippines are continuously turning and spread outing. Rivals keep on come ining the market supplying the same service and merchandises with Jollibee. But still Jollibee is the figure nutrient concatenation in the state. Technologies and invention are maintain traveling to supply quality merchandises locally and abroad. The research worker suggest moreover research about the company ‘s competitory scheme and other factors impacting the company ‘s success non merely in the Philippines but still turning around the Earth. The company continuously geting different corporation locally and in the international market. The research worker will continuously analyze about the other factors lending to the success of local company against the elephantine fast nutrient concatenation that is widely known internationally. Mentions â€Å" Business Method Analysis † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // methods_7S.html. . â€Å" Handbook of Biological Statisticss † . Availablefrom: hypertext transfer protocol: // statkruskalwallis.html . Hollensen. 2003. Marketing direction. A Relationship Approach. FinancialTimes/ Prentice Hall ( 2004 ) â€Å" Jollibee The Official Website † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // php? /about_us/contents/5. . â€Å" Kruskal Wallis Test † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol ; // % E2 % 80 % 93Wallis_one-way_analysis_of_variance. . â€Å" Selling Teacher † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // swot.html. . â€Å" Sample Research Proposal † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: //sampleresearchproposals.blogspot. com/2009/02/sample-research-proposal-on-methodology.html. . â€Å" Statisticss † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // statistics. . â€Å" TheBusinessDictionary † .Availablefrom: hypertext transfer protocol: // leadership.html. . â€Å" The Jollibee Franchise † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // jollibee-franchise.htm. . â€Å" The Official Board of jollibee † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // org-chart/jollibee-foods. . â€Å" Understanding Critical Success Factor Analysis † . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Democrat is a Noun

Democrat is a Noun Democrat is a Noun Democrat is a Noun By Maeve Maddox Martin Benvenuto writes: Could you please settle a discussion concerning Democrat vs. Democratic. It is my contention that Democratic is not the plural of Democrat. Is this correct? Democrat is a noun. Democratic is an adjective. The plural of democrat is democrats. This question put me in mind of the incorrect way that the noun democrat is often used in place the adjective democratic. As I usually do when beginning a post on usage, I looked for random examples of the error I wished to illustrate. I was surprised to come upon this information in a Wikipedia article: Democrat Party is a political epithet used in the United States instead of Democratic Party when talking about the Democratic Party. The term has been principally used by conservative commentators and members of the Republican Party in party platforms, partisan speeches and press releases since the 1930s. The explicit goal is to dissociate the name of the rival party from the concept of democracy. That was a new one on me. Id thought the error was committed because writers and speakers didnt understand that, while the word Republican can be either a noun or an adjective, Democrat has distinctive noun and adjective forms. a republican form of government the Republican party the Republican National Committee Republicans with strong principles. a democratic form of government the Democratic party the Democratic National Committee Democrats with strong principles. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of AdjectivesOne Fell Swoop55 "House" Idioms

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Is market efficient testing of Hong Kong stock market Essay

Is market efficient testing of Hong Kong stock market - Essay Example Several tests could be used to test for market efficiency. The most common tests are for market anomalies such as the January, Day-of-the-Week, and Size Effects. Another is to prove that any of the assumptions of EMH is not true; for example, that there is a way of predicting stock prices so that those who are able to do so can earn above normal market returns. Practitioners of finance and economics who have studied stock market behaviour have proposed several hypotheses, one of which is the so-called Overreaction Hypothesis (ORH). ORH originated from the field of applied psychology and is a statement of behavioural prediction that people tend to overreact to dramatic news and events, regardless of whether these events are positive or negative. On the other side and related to this hypothesis is its opposite: underreaction, a phenomenon that can also be considered. ORH provides a way of making decisions to buy and sell stocks, because if it is true, then some investors can earn above market returns by buying underperforming stocks and selling overperforming stocks, taking advantage of over- or under-reaction of other investors. The Hongkong economy has been identified as the one with the freest and, in the absence of artificial market barriers that cause inefficiency, therefore the most efficient financial markets, as it was given the highest Index of Economic Freedom1 (Heritage, 2006). This paper attempts to prove this by investigating whether the ORH phenomena exist in the Hongkong Stock Exchange (HKSE). 3. Investigate presence of ORH in HKSE for the period 1 April 1997 to 31 March 2007 using the methodology of Fung (1999) which is similar to DeBondt and Thaler (1985) but using the geometric mean, instead of the arithmetic mean, to reduce error caused by bid-ask spread as pointed out by Conrad and Kaul (1993). Fama (1970) popularised the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) which states that stock prices reflect all available